We collected information on a total of 7334 cyclic peptides, including the structure and experimentally measured membrane permeability, from 45 published papers and 2 patents from pharmaceutical companies. In this study, we constructed CycPeptMPDB, the first web-accessible database of cyclic peptide membrane permeability.

A comprehensive membrane permeability database is essential for developing computational methods for cyclic peptide drug design. Although many experimental data on membrane permeability of cyclic peptides have been reported, a comprehensive database is not yet available. Membrane permeability is an essential indicator of oral bioavailability and intracellular targeting, and the development of membrane-permeable peptides is a bottleneck in cyclic peptide drug discovery. Recently, cyclic peptides have been considered breakthrough drugs because they can interact with “undruggable” targets such as intracellular protein–protein interactions.